The First Responder Prayer Service and Appreciation Luncheon that was hosted by Ss. Mary and Michael’s Parish was featured as a front page article in the October 28, 2022 edition.

October 28, 2022 Edition of The Progress.

The text of the article is as follows:

MADERA — In honor of National First Responders Day that is celebrated today, St. Mary’s and St. Michael’s Orthodox Churches in Madera and Irvona, respectively, hosted local first responders at a prayer service and a blessing of both the responders and their vehicles. Acting Rector Rev. Fr. Alexander Cadman welcomed them, stating, “We are honored to pray for and bless the police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians here, who we also pray for each Sunday at the Divine Liturgy.” He continued, “The work of these first responders is a direct reflection of the work Jesus Christ calls us all to do in helping and caring for our neighbors.” After the brief ceremony, Fr. Alexander invited all present to a barbeque lunch in the hall of St. Mary’s Church. Greg Sidorick, president of St. Mary’s Council, added, “We hope to make this event to honor and commemorate the first responders of our communities an annual tradition.”