Saint Michael’s Church Council will conduct their Spring 2022 meeting at 7:00pm on Tuesday, May 31 in Irvona. The Nativity of the Theotokos Church Council will meet on Monday, June 6 in Madera, also at 7:00pm. All meetings of the parish are open to the public.
Looking ahead, Fr. Alexander will conduct a strategic planning and vision workshop with everyone (members, inquirers, visitors, etc.) on Saturday, September 17 at 9:00am in Irvona. Parish cfficers will use your feedback to begin work on the 2023 Budget, which will be approved at a joint Councils’ meeting in October and presented at the Annual Meeting in November.
Please keep all the members of our Church Councils in your prayers and begin asking God what our parish would look like in the next several years if He had His Way with us!